Apa itu TEROKA

TEROKA, a flagship initiative by MUDA, is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of political leaders in Malaysia. Through a comprehensive and dynamic training program, TEROKA equips young Malaysians with the skills and knowledge needed to lead with integrity and impact.

Our program focuses on building expertise in political knowledge, public speaking, policy-making, community engagement, and ethical leadership. We envision a future where young leaders are at the forefront of shaping policies, driving governance, and advocating for inclusivity.

At MUDA, we believe in the power of youth. Young minds bring energy, innovation, and a relentless drive for progress. TEROKA is our commitment to providing a platform where young talents can grow, thrive, and lead Malaysia into a brighter future.


Since the beginning of TEROKA till present, we have successfully empowered over 100 young Malaysian leaders to be the next changemakers.

Perjalanan TEROKA

Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders: TEROKA's Journey

In just one year, TEROKA has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration for young leaders across Malaysia. This groundbreaking leadership program has trained over 100 passionate individuals, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to drive positive change. Cohort 3, our largest yet, welcomed 50 bright minds, building on the success of the first and second cohorts, which produced 15 and 35 alumni, respectively. The growing numbers are a testament to the increasing interest and impact of TEROKA in shaping the future of nation-building in Malaysia.

At the heart of TEROKA is an intensive leadership experience where participants dive deep into weekly workshops featuring guest speakers who are experts in their fields. What sets this program apart is its unique blend of theory and practice, seamlessly bridging the gap between academic learning and the real-world challenges of political leadership. Each cohort is supported by a team of dedicated mentors—recurring guest speakers, MUDA leaders, and NGO representatives—who provide personalized guidance, ensuring every participant receives the support they need to thrive.

Election Campaign

Cohort 1 had an especially memorable journey, as our young changemakers were pivotal in the 6 States election campaign. They were embedded with MUDA candidates, helping to strategize campaigns, craft impactful manifestos, and engage with communities. This hands-on experience allowed them to contribute meaningfully to the democratic process, embodying MUDA's commitment to giving youth a voice in a political landscape often dominated by senior figures.

BERSIH Demonstration

A standout element of TEROKA is its focus on activism and public advocacy. In collaboration with BERSIH, participants were on the front lines, taking part in street demonstrations to demand justice and a clean government. They protested the controversial court decision regarding former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, gaining firsthand experience in grassroots movements. This engagement deepened their understanding of human rights issues and the power of collective action.


For the bersih demonstration pictures, please scroll down in the link.

Shark Tank

Innovation lies at the heart of TEROKA, and this commitment to fresh ideas and forward-thinking solutions was on full display with the introduction of our first-ever Shark Tank event. This initiative, a trailblazing moment in Malaysian politics, provided an unprecedented platform for the young leaders of TEROKA's Cohort 3 to pitch their advocacy and campaign ideas directly to a panel of investors from MUDA.

Inspired by the popular Shark Tank television format, where entrepreneurs present their business ideas to potential investors, TEROKA adapted this concept to the realm of social and political advocacy. Participants were given the opportunity to present their campaigns, which addressed critical societal issues such as human rights, equitable education, and community development. This setting challenged participants to think critically, communicate persuasively, and defend their ideas in a high-stakes environment.

This event is groundbreaking not just for TEROKA, but for the broader political landscape in Malaysia. It marked the first time a political party has implemented the Shark Tank concept, signalling a shift towards more dynamic and innovative approaches to youth engagement. Importantly, the Shark Tank event was designed to be a non-political space, allowing participants to focus on the substance of their ideas without the pressures of partisan politics. This approach underscores MUDA's commitment to creating a supportive environment where young leaders can freely explore and develop their solutions to societal challenges.


Parliament Trips

One of the most exciting and impactful sessions in the TEROKA program is the Parliament trip, a unique opportunity for aspiring leaders to engage directly with the heart of Malaysia's legislative process. This experience is designed to inspire and equip participants with the knowledge and connections they need to envision a future in national leadership.

During the Parliament trip, participants will have the rare chance to network with Members of Parliament (MPs) from various political parties. This interaction provides valuable insights into the diverse perspectives that shape Malaysia's policies and governance. By engaging with MPs, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the legislative process and the challenges and opportunities within different constituencies.

A highlight of the trip is a dedicated session with YB Syed Saddiq, the elected Member of Parliament for Muar and a prominent member of MUDA. Here, participants will present a memorandum based on their advocacy campaigns, directly connecting their grassroots efforts with national-level discourse. YB Syed Saddiq will consider these presentations and may bring these issues to the floor of Parliament, giving participants a real-world platform to influence national policy.

This close interaction with elected representatives, particularly in the prestigious setting of Parliament, bridges the often wide gap between young, rising leaders and seasoned politicians. It provides participants with inspiration, motivation, and a tangible sense of what it takes to one day become an elected MP themselves.

The Parliament trip is more than just a visit; it's a pivotal learning experience that underscores TEROKA's commitment to hands-on political education. By connecting with current leaders and presenting their own ideas for change, participants leave with a renewed sense of purpose and the tools to drive meaningful political impact.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/3Ax72VQLkhvXWThcA – Cohort 2 Parliament Trip

https://photos.app.goo.gl/QqUQv4RnTBT8y78u8 – Cohort 3 Parliament Trip

We Are Young Fest 2024

To celebrate the incredible advocacy journey of our participants, TEROKA proudly organized We Are Young Fest—a vibrant open day that showcased the groundbreaking work of Cohort 3. This event was more than just a display; it was a testament to the passion, creativity, and determination of young leaders who are committed to driving change in Malaysia.

We Are Young Fest featured seven powerful advocacy projects, each one a reflection of the diverse issues that matter most to today's youth. These projects, developed over months of hard work and mentorship, tackled everything from human rights and environmental sustainability to educational equity and community development. Each project embodied the spirit of TEROKA—bold, innovative, and unafraid to challenge the status quo.

The open day was not only an opportunity for participants to present their work but also a celebration of their growth and resilience. Attendees had the chance to engage with these young changemakers, learn about their journeys, and witness firsthand the impact they are making in their communities. From interactive exhibits to thought-provoking discussions, We Are Young Fest created a space for meaningful connections and inspired conversations.

For TEROKA, this event was a proud moment—a culmination of months of dedication, collaboration, and learning. It highlighted the success of our leadership program in nurturing a new generation of leaders who are not just talking about change but actively making it happen. We Are Young Fest stands as a shining example of what is possible when young people are given the tools, support, and platform to lead.

Through this celebration, TEROKA continues to affirm its commitment to empowering Malaysia's youth, creating spaces where their voices can be heard, and their ideas can flourish. We Are Young Fest is more than an event; it's a movement—a powerful reminder that the future is in good hands with the next generation of leaders ready to take the reins.



A highlight of the TEROKA program is the two pivotal bootcamps, designed to shape and refine the leadership skills of our participants over the course of the three-month program.

The journey begins with an intensive three-day boot camp that lays the foundation for the entire program. During this immersive experience, participants delve deep into self-discovery, identifying their passions and the causes they wish to champion. This boot camp is crucial for establishing the program's core values, as it fosters a strong sense of community and collaboration among participants. By the end of the session, participants form advocacy groups, each committed to tackling a societal issue in Malaysia over the next three months.

As the program nears its conclusion, participants gear up for the second boot camp, which shifts focus from theoretical learning to practical experience. Set in Puteri Wangsa, where MUDA's President, YB Amira Aisya, serves as the elected representative, this weekend boot camp offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with the community. Participants will meet local leaders, present policy solutions for real issues, and gain hands-on experience in the day-to-day challenges of representing a constituency. This boot camp is designed to provide a realistic, ground-level understanding of what it means to be an elected representative, from building relationships with grassroots leaders to handling community concerns.

These boot camps are essential to TEROKA's mission of developing well-rounded political leaders. They equip participants with the practical skills and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of leadership in Malaysia, all within a supportive, non-political environment. This approach allows young leaders to explore their advocacy passions without the pressure of a formal internship, providing a safe space for growth and learning.

MUDA is committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders by offering these transformative experiences, ensuring that our participants are fully prepared to make a meaningful impact.
